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Meet The Artist: Zoey Singh

Every other month, we're going to be highlighting a new emerging Artist at South Space. Our corresponding artist will also have their art on the wall for the month. From November to January, we're showcasing Feel The Vibe - art by Zoey Singh. Come and have a look!

Meet Zoey Singh

Born in New Zealand, but of Samoan, Mongolian and Indian descent, Zoey answers our Q&A about her inspirations, her art and herself. 

Artist behind Feel The Vibe she is an Architectural Designer in the week days, and an aspiring and emerging artist on the weekends. 

What inspired you to get into art?

I think from a young age I have always been interested in painting and drawing.

I think growing up in a diverse household with many different cultures and being lucky enough to be born and breed into a country like New Zealand, it was always hard for me to identify with just one of these. But through my art I have realised that this is me expressing the many different parts of me that make me who I am.

I take inspiration from my cultural heritage especially the traditional patterns and vibrant colours that are associated with the traditional clothing and decorations that each of these provides. Specifically, the traditional Samoan tattooing and siapo (tapa cloth) where natural dyes are used to decorate the paper mulberry with the patterns that we also see on the women's Puletasi dress's as well as traditional Indian Henna designs.

These techniques and processes helped me develop a way of creating my own abstract patterns through the use of cubism over the last couple of years.

Who is your biggest inspiration when it comes to your art?

Pablo Picasso, Frida Kahlo and Vincent Van Gogh

When do you feel most creative?

It really depends, sometimes I'll feel inspired by a dream that I've had or I'll be in my feelings whether it be happiness or sadness. I'm always blasting music when I paint, I find it helps my focus and lets my creativity flow. I think overall my creativity comes out best when I'm panting or drawing from my emotions and dreams from my subconscious.

What do you do outside of making art?

I am a full time Architectual Designer, I also enjoy going to music festivals/events and getting outdoors for a hike and hanging out at the beach (my happy place)

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I think it's important to not put too much pressure on yourself as a woman to achieve goals within a certain time frame, but I hope to be well travelled, happy, healthy and settled back in New Zealand with hopefully an established Artist and Architectual career!

What is your favourite book?

The subtle art of not giving a fuck 

If you listen to podcasts, what's your go-to podcast?

Call her Daddy 

Top 3 artists on your Spotify playlist?

Arctic Monkeys, Kings of Leon, Tame Impala 

If you could visit anywhere in the world (money & responsibilities aside) where would you go?

I would go to Europe and be immersed in the art and architectal history 

All about Feel The Vibe

My art can be perceived as almost dreamlike, as if it’s emerged straight from the imagination in its symbolic form. Many of my pieces have directly come from my dreamscapes. I dream almost every night and they always vary. I have a little bit of an obsession with eyes, it's a common theme in my paintings. I believe that they are the windows to our souls. To me they reveal a lot about how an individual is feeling and can often say more than words. It's crazy how vibrant and vivid they are at times and I believe that being able to express these through art helps me to understand or make sense of what's going around me and in my life. I keep a dream journal next to my bed so I can write down my ideas and feelings in the morning for future inspiration.

I think my art brings a unique blend of abstract, cubism and contemporary flare to the space. I believe it draws you in and makes you look deeper to find or see something that you didn't originally see at first glance.